Sunday, July 24, 2011

Trying something new...

So today is my first time blogging and I don't know where it is going to take me, but I am up for trying something new!  Well, I am going through new changes.  For those of you who know me I have been dealing with a pain issue for almost 2 years and have had little success in finding the core issue.  The pain started in my left hip and made its way to my lower back and down my left leg.  I have seen an Otho for my hip, done physical therapy, seen a chiropractor, had x-rays of my hip and lower back and an MRI of my hip, etc.  Recently I saw a new Orthopedic Doctor for spine and back.  He finally did and MRI of my upper and lower back and spine.  He is the only one that found something.  My lowest disc is compressed and my lower back muscles are extremely week.  He also had me do blood work to test my thyroid, calcium and vitamin D levels.  I am vitamin D deficient, which carries a myriad of issues that I suffer with such as;  odd aches and pains, fatigue, memory issues (can't find my words, especially the last one, also I feel a little verbally dyslexic as well), being colder than others.  Those are some off the top of my head.  I have been seeing another new doctor (chiropractor and naturopathic MD) about that and am now on a very high dose of vitamin D for now, among a few other vitamins.  I have been taking them for about a week now and still have yet to feel any difference in my symptoms, but I am hopeful!  So now the routine is:  take vitamin regiment and hopefully very soon start physical therapy to strengthen my lower back.  On top of all this my husband, Todd, and I watched a documentary ( together and were amazed at what we learned, so now on August 1st we are going to attempt a 30 day juice fast to detox and start new healthier eating habits.  I already know it will be quite the challenge since I once did a diet change excluding wheat, sugar, and dairy.  I lost 16 pounds in three weeks on that diet and that wasn't even why I was on the diet!  I am looking forward to the benefits of all the changes.  I could go on for days, but this is just a piece of what lies ahead.  There is so much more I will catch you all up on as I go.  God Bless!!!

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